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March 23, 2020

Ready to travel but not sure where to start?

We can help with answers to some frequently asked questions!


Who is passports? 

Passports Educational Travel is an experienced tour provider with a storied history. The people behind passports have been in the educational travel industry since Day 1. Founded by an educator in the early nineteen-sixties, passports has been responsible for the successful overseas travel of hundreds of thousands of American high school students. The fundamental premise has remained unchanged down through the years — that travel to foreign lands is an education in itself, making the world a safer place, and making people happier with their lives than they would have been otherwise. The student-travelers who explore the globe through passports are not accidental tourists. Their extraordinary journeys are accomplished with the pro-active and dedicated support of educators. 

Each and every traveler who chooses passports as a travel partner is considered to be an extended traveling family member. If you aren't traveling with passports yet, we’d love to welcome your group to join us on many journeys ahead. 

Why should I travel with passports? 

Passports offers the perfect balance of quality and price! Your group will arrive as quickly as possible on a preferential flight, stay in city-centered 3-4 star hotels, eat delicious authentic local cuisines, and be accompanied by experienced and professional tour directors. After all, you’re on a trip of a lifetime and we will deliver just that. 

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Who is there to help me?

When you begin your travel planning with passports, you’ll be connected with a Tour Advisor. This person will be your go-to contact for all pre-departure questions. You’ll be guided through each step in the process including one of the most fun parts, tour selection! We’ll help you narrow down the perfect trip just for your group. Once you’ve decided where you’d like to go, rest assured that we take care of all the travel arrangements from booking high-quality accommodations, airfare, meals, and tour directors, to managing participant enrollments, billing and customer service. 

What is my role as group leader?

Often times we hear, “This sounds awesome! So, what is my role?” Your role as a group leader is to select your tour and share your tour with your students and their families. Your tour advisor will prepare everything your group will need: presentations, program itineraries, participant enrollment guides and applications, and customized posters. While abroad, you’ll be in the company of an experienced tour director who will guide and help you through your tour. Rest assured there’s a whole team of experienced staff behind you to help you from the beginning and all the way through your journey. We’re known for our excellent customer service and that’s why teachers who choose to travel with us, stay with us. 

What does a typical day look like on tour?

Each tour is carefully thought out to allow you just the right amount of time for travel, activities, meals, and free time for exploration. Although each tour is different, we can give you an idea of what to expect. You’ll start your day off by waking up to each breakfast, enjoy some sightseeing, take some time to eat lunch, and then explore some more. In the evening, you’ll enjoy a delicious authentic meal at a local restaurant and enjoy an evening activity or exploration. You’ll then return to your beautiful hotel to catch up on some much-needed rest for a new day full of fun experiences. 

Why do traveling teachers keep choosing passports? 

“Would not have traveled with you folks for 20+ years if you were not so professional, kind, caring, honest and just downright nice! I brag about Passports to any group leader who will listen while overseas. You guys do great work!” - Passports Teacher

“Passports is like a family. So much more than just a tour company. They have helped me make my tours so much more personal no company can hold a candle to them.” - Passports Teacher

“Passports has proven, time and again, to be head and shoulders above the other educational tour companies. Your attention to detail, from planning through execution, is impressive. The hotels, restaurants, and most importantly, guides are second to none.” - Passports Teacher

Check out our Teacher Testimonials and reviews on Trustpilot!

So tell us, are you ready to travel the passports way? 

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Category: For Teachers


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passports Educational Group Travel partners with teachers across the United States to provide high-quality educational travel experiences to their students. Educational tours visit destinations around the world - primarily France, Italy, England, Spain and Costa Rica - at low, guaranteed prices.

Passports, Inc., ToursOperators & Promoters, Spencer, MA


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