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January 20, 2016

Teacher Tuesday: 5 Fundraising Event Ideas

Summer is finally here, and you know what that means — time to prepare for next school year!  If you’re a passports group organizer, that means planning ways to fundraise for your students’ experience of a lifetime.  Search no more!  Here are some fundraising event ideas perfect for your school:


Get moving with this fundraiser!  Have students collect pledges for each lap they walk at the event.  Then gather at the school track (or even just the parking lot) and walk away!  Sell baked goods at the event to generate even more donations.


Hold a concert featuring student bands (personal, or from the band and choir departments) or bands from your local community.  Sell tickets ahead of time, and advertise with posters, flyers and school announcements.  Having trouble finding the talent?  Have a lip sync “concert” instead!  Vote for the winner at the end of the event using a panel of judges or an audience poll.


Why should gym classes have all the fun?  Have a dodgeball tournament right on school grounds!  Charge an entry fee per team, or for admission.  Create a bracket, find some referees, and gather in the school gymnasium for the most high-energy fundraiser you’ll ever be a part of!


Here’s an event for the language teachers.  Hold a spelling bee in the school auditorium.  Have student participants collect pledges per word spelled correctly, or charge for admission.  Then let the F-U-N begin!


Get the whole community involved with this fundraiser!  Advertise around town with posters and flyers beforehand, calling all local chefs to enter their specialty dish.  Get together in the school cafeteria, with a table set up for each chef.  Charge admission, and give each participant a chip to vote for their favorite!


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passports Educational Group Travel partners with teachers across the United States to provide high-quality educational travel experiences to their students. Educational tours visit destinations around the world - primarily France, Italy, England, Spain and Costa Rica - at low, guaranteed prices.

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