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June 23, 2016

What Does Educational Travel Mean to Us?

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Here at Passports, educational travel is our passion, but what does it mean to us as individuals? Take a look at what Passports employees had to say when answering the question “What does educational travel mean to me?”


“Educational Travel is that special kind of learning that can't be done only in a classroom. A wise man once said, ‘You can teach French in school, but you can't teach France.’ It's the doing that makes it real. Educational Travel is that special kind of life experience that is always best the first time you do it. You can only see Michelangelo's David or the Eiffel Tower for the first time -- once. That's the magical time. The time you'll remember. Educational Travel is that eye-opening, horizon-expanding journey to understand just how big -- and how small -- our world is. How much different other cultures are -- and just how very similar as well. Travel intertwines and connects us through shared understanding and experience.
Educational Travel is all the thank-you cards from participants, talking about their decision to do a semester abroad, work abroad, or even live abroad due to their experiences traveling with Passports. It's knowing that we're making a difference in people's lives. Sharing the world with America's traveling youth is my passion.”
David Markle

“Educational travel is helping people, especially youth, experience a world outside their own bubble. Connecting to different people, places, food, history and customs. It brings the things we've read about, heard about, or seen in videos to life in the most tangible way. This is so important for young people. During one's formative years it is critical to plant seeds that will blossom in later years. Educational travel can help plant those seeds.”
Kevin, Director of Operations

“Educational travel is learning in its purest form. It’s an opportunity for young people to experience for themselves what they’ve only heard from other people - through the news, textbooks or in conversation - and form their own opinions. This is particularly powerful for middle school, high school and college students as they are in the process of crafting their identities.”
Meaghan, Marketing Manager

“Educational travel is an opportunity to enhance the lives of students with hands-on learning to destinations they have studied about in class. In many cases this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for people to travel abroad.”
Dale, Director of Customer Service

“Educational travel allows you to explore the world in the presence of your peers and educators, providing bond-building, lifelong memories, enrichment, personal growth and potential. These experiences often lead to life-altering enthusiasm that can influence and broaden choices about continuing education or career fields that you may not have considered without the experience of educational travel and the fulfillment it adds to one's life and future opportunities.”
Kathy, Associate Director of Admissions

“To me, educational travel is life-changing and the opportunity to learn about and understand other cultures other than our own. Travel is an education in and of itself. You meet lifelong friends on these tours, and the architecture and geography and history is second to none. I could go on and on.”
Kathleen, Chief Financial Officer

“Travel forces one to make choices, brings clarity, and order to one's ideas. As Mr. Clemens once said... it is ‘fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.’ For me personally, educational travel transcended the classroom and made learning a lifelong pursuit.”
Paul, Tour Advisor

“Educational travel is about giving students the opportunity to learn in a way that can’t be taught in a classroom and experience the world in a way that can’t be done on a typical vacation. Students are at a very impressionable point in their lives so exposing them to different cultures and perspectives helps them form their own opinions and make their own choices.”
Micayla, Social Media Coordinator

“The ‘educational’ part of educational travel means being able to open up to learn about what other countries and cultures have to offer. From food and art to religion and history, traveling abroad will teach everyone to step outside of their comfort zone to see how another part of the world lives.”
Katherine, Tour Advisor

“I think travel is a great way to open your mind and expand your horizons. Traveling as a student is an amazing opportunity to learn about the world and experience other cultures first hand. I believe that travel can teach you things that simply can't be taught in a classroom environment.”
Matt, Business Development Specialist

“To me, it means many things. It gives the traveler a vast knowledge and exposure of the many places and cultures that up until this point they have only learned about, seen pictures of, and have dreamed of experiencing. It builds lifelong bonds, as well as independence and confidence as they learn different cultures and explore new and exciting places. All of this in addition to the many memories that will be carried with them for a lifetime.”
Amanda, Asst. Manager, Customer Relations

“Educational group travel promotes global awareness, encourages cultural appreciation and builds confidence by pushing you out of your comfort zone. It is an experience unique to any other in that it quite literally changes lives.”
Hilary, Tour Advisor

“Educational travel is one of my biggest passions in life. Originally from Germany, I lived there for 30 years. I was an exchange student in France at the early age of twelve and I’ve also lived in Spain and Russia for extended periods of time. Getting to know these amazing cultures from within has made me who I am and inspired me to pursue a career in educational travel. Travel has taught me tolerance, respect and understanding for other people and cultures. As a mother of three, I believe that travel is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children as it will make them better global citizens and more equipped to deal with the challenges of life.”
Annette, Director of Business Development

“My dad was in the Air Force so we were stationed in England for 8 years and my parents took advantage of the time in Europe to travel all over England and cover as much of mainland Europe as possible. When I began learning about history in more depth in high school (back in the States), I loved the subject and knew so much of that had to do with having seen the places we were learning about. I majored in history in college so imagine my luck at landing a job that allows me to provide other young people with those same opportunities and instill a lifelong love of learning and travel…”
Kris, Associate Director

“Travel is educational. Travel, in and of itself, is educational when embraced as an avenue to broaden one's horizons by experiencing new cultures and appreciating the diversity that the world has to offer.”
Karen, Co-Director of Operations


Category: For Teachers, Travel Inspiration


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passports Educational Group Travel partners with teachers across the United States to provide high-quality educational travel experiences to their students. Educational tours visit destinations around the world - primarily France, Italy, England, Spain and Costa Rica - at low, guaranteed prices.

Passports, Inc., ToursOperators & Promoters, Spencer, MA


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