passports is excited to announce our new Rewards Program for group organizers, beginning February 8, 2016.

What is happening to the former Bonus Points Program?

As of February 8, 2016, the former Bonus Points Program has been dissolved. Beginning on this date, group organizers will begin to earn rewards points for each early enrollment instead of bonus points.

Dissolved? But what about my bonus points?

Don't worry - your bonus points are still there! And you can continue to redeem them for convention spots just like you did before. The only thing is... you can't get any more bonus points. Now you'll earn passports rewards points!

Rewards points? Did you just change the name?

No way! We took the old program and made the sweet even sweeter. You get points the same way - the earlier you send in applications, the more points you get. And you can still use the points to get spots on one of our International Teacher Conventions. The math works out almost exactly the same, as a matter of fact. So, if you were happy with the old program, this new program will work in much the same way!

But wait - there's more! In addition to convention spots, you can now use points for personal vacations, cool electronics and airline tickets! Learn more here.

Ok. That does sound pretty cool. But I have a problem! I have 20 bonus points "in the bank," but I need 30 for a convention spot. What do I do with them?

Fear not, we've thought of that too! Enroll more participants to earn rewards points. You can then pay off the bonus point balance using your rewards points at a ratio of 12 to 1. Piece of cake!


Your bonus points are still valid. You can use them as you would have before to get spots on passports conventions.

When you enroll new participants you will now earn reward points, which you can redeem for cool new stuff, or for the same old AWESOME stuff you got before - namely, the opportunity to brush elbows with your favorite travel professionals (us!).


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passports Educational Group Travel partners with teachers across the United States to provide high-quality educational travel experiences to their students. Educational tours visit destinations around the world - primarily France, Italy, England, Spain and Costa Rica - at low, guaranteed prices.

Passports, Inc., ToursOperators & Promoters, Spencer, MA


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