Response to Maria.

Posted by Shane Kapela on 04/12/2006


I would not be worried at all traveling with this company. They totally took care of us. Otherwise, I would not, and I repeat, would not be planning another trip. The "glitch" I speak of was simply getting a guide that understood me better. The guide I had was British, because we were traveling to Ireland and England, and the majority of our trip was in Ireland. She had tons more information on England and little on Ireland. I called Passports upon arrival, I discussed my dilema with the organizers of Passport guides and it was fixed the next morning. Please know that this is VERY impressive that they were able to get me a knew guide so quickly. I do not feel that the other travel companies I have gone with in the past would have even attempted to remedy my concern. They would have tried to pacify me and just tell me I had no choice but to deal with my unpleasantness. I take my kids on these trips to learn and enjoy, not just enjoy, so the educational aspect of all of this is of the utmost importance to me, as I am sure you would agree. I also have my students take an evening 1/2 credit semester course with me prior to our trip. So, they are already knowledgable about their destinations and want guides that go even further in their explanations of the history and politics of our travels. I hope you feel better about traveling with Passports. Just know, I am very picky about who I travel with and I want my kids to come back to school saying WOW and encouraging all the other kids to go the following year and Passports has provided that for me. DON'T WORRY! Also, if you have any concerns before you travel, email me.

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